Date: Thu, 30 Jun 94 04:30:25 PDT From: Ham-Homebrew Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Homebrew-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Homebrew@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #178 To: Ham-Homebrew Ham-Homebrew Digest Thu, 30 Jun 94 Volume 94 : Issue 178 Today's Topics: 20th Eastern VHF/UHF Conference 20th Eastern VHF/UHF Conference call for papers Anyone Built a 16 bit PC IO port ? CW Timing CW Timings (2 msgs) FT caps needed (2 msgs) Inductance of toroids? Jennings Radio capacitor information Low-Band RF Amplifier Project Idea! Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Homebrew Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-homebrew". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 29 Jun 94 13:10:19 GMT From: Subject: 20th Eastern VHF/UHF Conference To: 20th EASTERN VHF/UHF SOCIETY CONFERENCE: AUGUST 26, 27, 28, 1994 QUALITY INN & CONFERENCE CENTER 51 HARTFORD TURNPIKE VERNON, CT 06066 ___________________________________________________________________________ 8/26/94 Friday - LODGING 1600 'til ...... HOSPITALITY ROOM 8/27/94 Saturday - REGISTRATION, FORMAL TALKS & BANDSESSIONS 0800 Registration begins adjacent to the Hospitality Room 0840 TALKS BEGIN, including PAUL WADE, N1BWT: PARABOLIC DISH DESIGN; JEFF KLEIN, WA2TEO: VHF CONTESTING STRATEGIES AND RESULTS; LARRY FILBY, K1LPS: LOW COST 10 GHZ WIDEBAND FM GEAR; PETER TRANEUS ANDERSON, KC1HR: DIGITAL RECEIVER DESIGN; DAVID UPTON, WB1CMG: PRACTICAL SOLID STATE AMPLIFIER DESIGN; EMIL POCOCK, W3EP: OF THE WORLD ABOVE 50 MHZ; MORE ! 1600 PREAMP NOISE FIGURE MEASUREMENT 1830 BANQUET 2000 VHF - MICROWAVE TRIVIA QUIZ: OPEN TO ALL 2100 DOOR PRIZE DRAWINGS: OPEN TO ALL 8/28/94 Sunday - SWAP MEET AND ANTENNA MEASURING STARTING AT 8 AM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM THE SOUTH/WEST OF HARTFORD, TRAVEL I-84 E TO EXIT 63, LEFT OFF RAMP. FROM BOSTON, TRAVEL I-84 W TO EXIT 64, RIGHT OFF RAMP, RIGHT @ 1ST LIGHT. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGISTRATION AT THE DOOR WILL COST $25 PRECONFERENCE REGISTRATION BEFORE AUGUST 19, 1994 CAN BE MAILED TO: BYRON BLANCHARD, N1EKV 16 ROUND HILL ROAD LEXINGTON, MA 02173 (617)-862-1380 evenings REGULAR MAIL REGISTRATIONS ____ @ $20 = _____ 1ST TIME MAIL REGISTRATIONS ____ @ $17 = _____ SUNDAY ONLY REGISTRATIONS ____ @ $5 = _____ BANQUET TICKETS (BY MAIL ONLY): ROAST BEEF ____ @ $21 = _____ STUFFED SHRIMP ____ @ $21 = _____ CHICKEN CAPON ____ @ $18 = _____ TOTAL = _____ EACH REGULAR OR 1ST TIME REGISTRANT RECEIVES A COPY OF THE PROCEEDINGS. YOU NEED NOT ATTEND THE BANQUET TO ATTEND THE PRIZE DRAWINGS / TRIVIA. ALTERNATIVE DINING IS AVAILABLE CLOSE-BY. OVERNIGHT RATES WHEN YOU MENTION THE EASTERN VHF/UHF SOCIETY ARE: SINGLE: $55 DOUBLES: $64 CALL LORI TOZIER AT (800)-235-4667. THIS INCLUDES USE OF FACILITIES (SWIMMING / ETC.) & A CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST. A SHOPPING CENTER, $1.75 MOVIE THEATRE, & AMUSEMENT AREA IS ON-SITE. Very 73, Ron WZ1V Conference Secretary email: ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jun 94 13:13:57 GMT From: Subject: 20th Eastern VHF/UHF Conference call for papers To: SUBJECT: AUTHOR INFORMATION FOR THE PROCEEDINGS of the 20th ANNUAL EASTERN VHF/UHF CONFERENCE Dear contributor; The 20th Annual Eastern VHF/UHF Conference this year will be held at the Quality Inn And Conference Center, in Vernon CT, on August 26, 27, and 28, 1994. Again this year we are going to publish a proceedings of the conference in conjunction with the ARRL. There are some noted authors again this year. If you have anything that you wish to contribute for the proceedings we need to receive this material by July 22, 1994. Please make the material "ready for press" quality, due to the time allotted, we cannot rework the material. Photographs are reproducible (black&white is better than color, but color is OK too) and their mounting position needs to be identified on an 8 1/2 x 11 page leaving a 1" margin on all sides. (Draw boxes with words such as Photo 1 within. Label the backs of the photographs with Photo 1, etc. using a permanent marker. Captions may be typed above or below the photo outline). Text should be presented with the same margin if possible. All material for the proceedings should be forwarded to Ron, WZ1V. If you wish to transmit anything electronically, use: Internet Email: I can handle UUEncoded or XXEncoded archived files as well. I prefer archives in ZIP, ARC, ARJ, or LZH formats, but can handle others. I prefer Text in plain Ascii. (but Works or WordPerfect is ok). I prefer graphics in PCX or GIF format, but can convert most others. You may also send articles in on disk this way. (PC only, don't have a Mac) or upload them to my BBS at 203-768-4758 anytime after 4pm EST. If you have any other questions concerning the conference please don't hesitate to contact us. Again, thank you for your support to make this years' conference better than ever. Thank You and 73's, Stan Hilinski, KA1ZE Ron Klimas, WZ1V 17 Pilgrim Drive 458 Allentown Rd. Tolland, Ct. 06084 Bristol, CT 06010 (203)-649-3258 Work (203)-768-4758 Work (203)-872-6197 Home (203)-589-0528 Home Conference Chairman (203)-768-5074 FAX Conference Secretary ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Jun 94 15:17:33 BST From:!! Subject: Anyone Built a 16 bit PC IO port ? To: I would like to build a sixteen bit IO port for a 3/486sx. Has anyone ever built a sixteen bit port It seems to me to be a bit trickier than it first appears. ..... :-) If you have or have the schematics then could you email me or post to this group. (8 bit ports and details I don't need) uuencoded or shipped schematics OK. many thanks AJD +------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Alastair J. Downs \__\_\_\ | | E.E & Comp.Eng.Dept. \ |\ \ \ phone +44 31 455 4389 | | Napier University, Edinburgh | fax: +44 31 455 7938 | | Scotland, UK GM6NEI | +------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 10:53:36 -0700 From:!! Subject: CW Timing To: I use the relationship dot time (ms) = 1200 / speed (wpm) which works out to be identical to your formula. This has given good results for many projects over the years. GL Alf NU8I/G4ABB Phoenix, Arizona ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jun 94 16:30:33 GMT From: Subject: CW Timings To: Hi all, I've built a keyer with a LCD that should indicate the current keying speed but I'm having trouble to tune it to show the *real* speed in WPM. I tried to use the following proceeding assuming 'PARIS' as the standard word for my calculations : 1 word = 50 dots (including 1 dot for dot/dash separation, 3 dots inter-character separation and 7 dots inter-word separation) Dot time = 60 / (50 * WPM) So, supposing a speed of 20 wpm, I end up with a dot time of 60 msec which is fairly slower than SuperMorse. I know that some cw programs use the farsnworth method but SM should not use it if the the speed params show the same value. Does anyone know the correct formula? Thanks much -- Marco Fassiotto, i1iiy/aa1iu Internet : AX25 : ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 04:18:13 GMT From:!agate!!!!!witch!ted! Subject: CW Timings To: In article <9406291630.AA25658@sparc4.ICO.OLIVETTI.COM>, fax@sparc4.Ico.Olivetti.COM (fax@sparc4.Ico.Olivetti.COM) writes: > >Hi all, >I've built a keyer with a LCD that should indicate the current keying speed >but I'm having trouble to tune it to show the *real* speed in WPM. >I tried to use the following proceeding assuming 'PARIS' as the standard >word for my calculations : > > 1 word = 50 dots (including 1 dot for dot/dash separation, 3 dots > inter-character separation and 7 dots inter-word separation) > > Dot time = 60 / (50 * WPM) This is correct. An often-used equivalent is WPM = 2.4 * DPS (dots per second). Since 1 DPS is 2 dot-times, the formulas are equivalent. > >So, supposing a speed of 20 wpm, I end up with a dot time of 60 msec >which is fairly slower than SuperMorse. I know that some cw programs use >the farsnworth method but SM should not use it if the the speed params show the >same value. >Does anyone know the correct formula? > Your number is correct, so SuperMorse must have a timing error, at least on your computer. How much off is it? Mike, KK6GM ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jun 94 16:59:26 EST From:!usc!!!!!! Subject: FT caps needed To: Can anyone on the net suggest a supplier for .001 feed through capacitors? Thanks Jim Loase WD8RPT ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Jun 94 15:18:13 PDT From:!swrinde!gatech!!!eff!!!chnews! Subject: FT caps needed To: In article <>, writes: > Path: chnews!!!eff!!!iccgc!loase > From: > Newsgroups: > Subject: FT caps needed > Date: 29 Jun 94 16:59:26 EST > Organization: Allen-Bradley Company, Inc. > Lines: 6 > Distribution: inet > Message-ID: <> > NNTP-Posting-Host: > > Can anyone on the net suggest a supplier for .001 feed through capacitors? > > Thanks > Jim Loase > WD8RPT > Try: Mhz Electronic, Inc. 3802 N. 27th Ave. Phoenix, Arizona 85027 PHONE: 800-528-0180 FAX: 602-285-9066 Tom, WB7ASR... ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Jun 94 21:33:24 EDT From: anagld!wb3ffv!hambbs! Subject: Inductance of toroids? To: Does anyone know where I can find the formula for finding the inductance of a toroidal inductor? I do NOT mean the formula which is derived on the published "Al" values, but rather a formula based on the physical measurements such as height, circumferance, etc. (There has been a similar formula for years in the ARRL handbook for solenoidal inductors, but I've never seen one for toroids.) Part Two--Does anyone know the exact methodology used by the industry to determine the "Al" value of toroidal forms? Those values are usually specified as microhenries per 100 turns for powdered irons, and millihenries per 1000 turns for ferrites. The question: Do they wind a single turn and extrapolate that, do they wind the 100 or 1000 turns and measure resulting inductance, if they do it that way do they then turn around and calculate the distributed capacitance and factor that out, etc... 73 DE WA8MCQ ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jun 1994 12:07:42 -0700 From: parc!biosci!biosci! Subject: Jennings Radio capacitor information To: I'm trying to identify some surplus HV vacuum capacitors (both fixed and variable). All components are from Jennings Radio. Fixed Capacitor: Model MC-1-1000 15,000V - Capacitance (uuf)? Variable Capacitors: Model UCSL-1000 (CB-144) 3000V - Maximum and minimum capacitance (uuf)? Model UCSL-750 (CD-150) 5000V - " Model UCSXF-1200 10,000V - " Model UCSF-500 - Maximum and minimum capacitance and voltage? Model UCSL-750 (CD147) - " So if you have an old Jennings catalog, I'd greatly appreciate the assistance. TNX! Mike WA2FHF internet: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 18:01:25 GMT From:!! Subject: Low-Band RF Amplifier To: A while ago I remember seeing a series of articles posted by a fellow who built a low-band RF amplifier using inexpensive transistors ... I'd appreciate a copy of these articles since I've misplaced mine! Thanks, Victor Tavernini Racal-Datacom, Inc. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 22:37:00 GMT From:!swrinde!!utnut!utcsri!!altitude!deltacom! Subject: Project Idea! To: SO> I keep looking at that Uniden 2600 with the blown final transistor... SO>..and I keep thinking: "How tough would it be to convert this muther SO>to 6 meters?" Have you considered building (or purchase, in the extreme case) an external converter ? In many instances, these converter work with an input of 10 meters (28-29 Mhz) and convert them to 6 meters...among others. 73 de Guy Houle, VE2VGA Boucherville, Qc, Canada --- þ SLMR 2.1a þ --- WILDMAIL!/WC v3.50b ) 279-5145 HST/V32bis - (128:200/30.0) ------------------------------ End of Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #178 ******************************